Standard MiG footers offer all the hallmarks of SR's highest performance MiG SX, including an increased sense of space in the sound field plus improvements in low-frequency control and extension with high-frequency air and detail. While the new MiG 3.0 delivers all this with greatly enhanced resolution that is never fatiguing, plus a wall-to-wall holographic soundstage, including a sense of the performance enveloping your listening position.
MiG 3.0 set/3 ($295):
MiG 3.0 came about when SR's lead designer sought to incorporate new UEF technologies first developed during the SRX reference cable loom and Purple fuse design programs. He intended to bring MiG 3.0 closer to MiG SX’s increased resolution but with a richer and more dynamic harmonic structure with enhanced sound staging capabilities over MiG 2.0. To make this happen, SR retuned the resonance characteristics of the MiG itself while incorporating the same UEF element found in SRX cables and Purple Fuses. The result is a MiG footer with a lower noise floor from which springs enhanced resolution with smoother highs and a larger sound field over the standard MiG and outgoing MiG 2.0.
Listening notes: comparing MiG’s to isolation footers based on dampening principles, you hear more extended dynamic range and spatial cues where dampened footers tend to have a flatter sound and lack dynamic extension. Isolation footers based primarily on draining mechanical vibration away from the component tend to sound bright with less sound stage layering and mid-range warmth when compared to MiG’s. Lastly, if you have a full suite of SR Tech, your best possible footers will likely be MiG’s, as they work on similar principles and have a similar house sound to SR cables, power products, and acoustic treatments.
Tune-Up your system’s performance level, beyond your dreams, with MiG 3.0’s for only $295 per set/3 and 60-days Money Back Guarantee.
MiG’s are versatile and can be placed in different ways to fine tune your systems performance - Pin-Point configuration (two bowls facing down and one up) and Ambient configuration (two bowls facing up and one down).
Reviews & Awards
Reviews and awards for the predecessor MiG 2.0.
AudioStream: "...Not only did I hear greater clarity and control with the new models, but I found that their use extends beyond the Tranquility Base UEF..."
Dr. David W. Robinson, Editor-in-Chief, PFO, November 2015:
" experience over two days of working with the MiG's was that the diagrams above are pretty accurate as to their effects, and that they added further dimensionality to the performance of the NADAC. For the record, we placed four MiG 2.0's under the NADAC, the front two being in the "down" position, and the rear two being "up." The ambient effect was pretty clear to me, and quite real, very real..." to read the entire review
How to install
When placing MiG's in a digital system (CD player or two-box digital front end) follow these guidelines: First place three MiG's under your TRANSPORT or CD PLAYER in the Pin-Point Configuration. Next listen in the Ambient Configuration. You should immediately notice a preference. If your system has a multi-box digital front end (D to A converter and transport), place a second set of MiG's under your D to A converter in the same configuration you chose for your transport. Now place a set of MiG's under your pre-amplifier, first in the combination you preferred under your digital component(s). If this does not immediately improve your system, try the opposite placement configuration. Lastly, place MiG's under your amplifier(s) in the Pin-Point Configuration.
When placing MiG's in an analogue system follow these guidelines: First place MiG's in the Pin-Point Configuration under your phono pre-amplifier, or pre-amplifier if you have an integrated phono/line level pre-amplifier. Next, reverse placement to the Ambient position. You should experience an immediate preference. Next, if your turntable has a separate power supply (one that is not connected to your turntable) place a set MiG's in the configuration you preferred under your phono-pre / integrated pre-amplifier. Now place a set of MiG's under your line level pre-amplifier again in your preferred placement configuration. If you do not hear the same level of improvement you have experienced thus far, try the reverse placement option. Lastly, place MiG's under your power amplifier(s) in the Pin-Point Configuration.
Synergistic Research MiG 3.0 (Mechanical Interface Grounding) Set of 3